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Middleboro, New England Champs in Little League World Series, Feature Southcoast Frontline Clinician’s Son

Southcoast Respiratory Therapist Jennifer Davis is in Williamsport this week to watch son Aaron in Little League World Series
The last time a Massachusetts team advanced to the Little League Baseball World Series, in 2009, Aaron Davis wasn’t even born yet – but his mom, Respiratory Therapist Jennifer Davis, was on staff at St. Luke’s, where she still works today.
This week, though, Jennifer – along with husband, Keith, and daughter, Abby – is taking some time off for a visit to Williamsport, Penn.
It’s there that Aaron and his Middleboro teammates, who recently earned the New England Championship, are ready to take the field at Lamade Stadium on Wednesday afternoon (3pm, ESPN) for their first game, against Southeast representative Nolensville, Tenn.
Aaron, a pitcher and catcher for Middleboro, attends Nichols Middle School, and is a rising seventh-grader.
“Aaron loves the game of baseball, loves playing, loves learning and loves the teamwork involved. He loves just being on the field, really, everything about it. He’ll play with anybody, anywhere, any time,” Jennifer says. “It’s been a hot mess of emotions seeing him and his team progress to this point. We have been happy, anxious, stressed, nervous, elated, tired … and I am sure there is more. In the end, though, we are just super proud and so very happy for him. His hard work, positive attitude and determination are paying off.”
Jennifer says that Aaron is a “heart and hustle” kid, an “eternal optimist” always ready to work on refining his game, who has never let adversity deter him. For Jennifer – whose respiratory roles at St. Luke’s and also Fairhaven outpatient practices throughout the pandemic have put her at the forwardmost point on the front lines – watching her son and his teammates get rewarded for their extra time and practice is an “amazing” feeling, especially after the past few years.
“Seeing firsthand the suffering and loss … makes me that much more grateful for their opportunity,” she says. “To see all the families from all over coming together to watch their children play a game they love is a beautiful thing. It shows that we are hopefully returning to everyday normalcy in our lives, and this Little League World Series experience is surely a blessing on top.”
Another bonus? The Red Sox will be in Williamsport to play the Baltimore Orioles on Sunday night, so the Little Leaguers will get to rub elbows with the Big Leaguers.
“It’s been crazy, fun and action-packed … exciting and tiring,” says Aaron about the experience so far (here, he’s pictured during his Little League Baseball World Series uniform fitting over the weekend, while mom was showing her support on the Respiratory Unit at St. Luke’s). “Tons of stuff to do, tons of places to go, and swagger galore. Never a time you’re not doing something cool.”Go Middleboro! Go Aaron! Go Jennifer! For the full Little League Baseball World Series schedule and more information, please check out