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Benefits of Using MyChart

View non-sensitive test results

Ver resultados de las pruebas no sensibles

Ver os resultados dos testes não sensíveis

Request appointments

Solicitar citas

Pedido de consultas

Refill medications

Rellenar medicamentos

Refill medicamentos

Track important health data

Seguimiento de los datos de salud importante

Rastrear dados importantes sobre a saúde

Access your full Health Summary

Resumen acceder a su salud completa

Aceder ao seu Resumo de Saúde cheia

Print out children’s health records

Imprimir los registros de salud de los niños

Imprimir registros de saúde das crianças

Important Two-Factor Authentication Announcement

Southcoast Health is dedicated to keeping your medical information safe.

To better protect you, we now require two-factor authentication when using the Southcoast Health MyChart patient portal. This extra security step helps prevent unauthorized access to your medical record and follows best practices for online safety.

When you log into MyChart (on the website or app), you will now need to choose how you want to receive a security code to login. You can select either:

  • A text message sent to your cell phone.
  • An email sent to your confirmed email address.

Once you choose your preferred method, MyChart will remember your selection for future logins.

You will also have the option to “trust your device.”

  • Do NOT trust a public device if you are using a public computer (such as at a library).
  • ONLY trust a device that you personally own or know is safe. If you choose to trust your personal device, you will only need to verify your information twice a year.

How to Update Your Appointment Reminder Settings in MyChart

MyChart Features

Introducing MyChart eCheck-In!

Take advantage and save time with MyChart’s new eCheck-In feature. Patients are now able to edit personal information, including medications and allergies, and even pay copayments online prior to their scheduled appointment.

Skip the wait with MyChart’s new feature, Fast Pass!

With Fast Pass, patients who have opted into the wait list feature will now receive an instant notification from their MyChart App, a mobile text alert, or email if an earlier appointment time becomes available for *select appointments.

The patient must already have a scheduled appointment to receive a notification. Once the patient reviews the Fast Pass offer in their MyChart, they can choose to accept it or decline it to keep their previously scheduled appointment. The patient will have 3.5 hours to respond before the offer expires, and this will be noted within their MyChart application once the offer has been made available.

If a patient is seeking a sooner appointment, they can let their provider’s office know about their request, enable their MyChart notifications in their MyChart account, and look out for their Fast Pass offer!

*Available for specialty office visits and new patient visits. Also available for primary care Medicare, wellness, physical, and new patient visits.

Direct Scheduling – Appointments made easy!

Scheduling follow-up visits with a healthcare provider is now easier than ever. Patients with an active Southcoast Health MyChart account can make an appointment for a follow-up visit with a provider or their care team using the MyChart app on their smartphone or by logging in to MyChart from


Patients are now able to conveniently sign documents on smartphones for health care related consents, questionnaires, and other health related forms.

Removal from Wait List/Add to Wait List

Once logged into MyChart, select the Visits icon which can be found at the top of the screen.

Scheduled appointments will be listed on this screen and the patient can select the details button to the right-hand side.  After the details button is selected, the appointment details will populate, and the link “Get off the Wait List” will show under the Prepare for Your Visit headline.

To be removed from the Wait List feature simply click on the Get off the Wait List Link.  Once clicked, the button will change to “Get on the Wait List”.

To be added back to the Wait List feature, simply click on the Get On the Wait List link.

o Easily access and visualize your health records in the Health app on iPhone®. See important data across seven categories — allergies, conditions, immunizations, lab results, medications, procedures, and vitals — in a simple, aggregated timeline view.

Easily access and visualize your health records in the Health app on iPhone®. See important data across seven categories — allergies, conditions, immunizations, lab results, medications, procedures, and vitals — in a simple, aggregated timeline view.


Access Your MyChart Information Through the CommonHealth App

Patients with a Southcoast Health MyChart account can access their health records on their Android™ devices using the CommonHealth app by syncing accounts from participating healthcare organizations.

CommonHealth is a secure way to store all your health records in one place and share them with the services and organizations you trust.

Click here to learn more!

Stay Connected with Your Health Through MyChart Portal

At Southcoast Health, we understand that the most effective health care includes encouraging our patients to be active in their own care. With MyChart, you have a way to be tuned in to your health at your own convenience. This online tool allows you to view your medical records, appointments and more to interact and stay up-to-date with your health. Sign up for or log into MyChart on the right, and talk to your physician about how Southcoast Health can partner with you to achieve a happy, healthy life. Only patients of Southcoast Health will enjoy the MyChart functionality.

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Manténgase conectado con su salud a través de MyChart Portal

En Southcoast Salud, entendemos que la atención sanitaria más eficaz incluye alentar a nuestros pacientes a ser activos en su propio cuidado. Con MyChart, usted tiene una manera de estar en sintonía con su salud en su propia conveniencia. Esta herramienta en línea le permite ver sus registros médicos, citas y mucho más para interactuar y mantenerse al día con su salud. Registrarse o iniciar sesión en MyChart a la derecha, y hable con su médico acerca de cómo Southcoast Salud puede asociarse con usted para lograr una vida feliz y saludable. Sólo los pacientes de Southcoast Salud podrán disfrutar de las nuevas capacidades MyChart próximamente.

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Fique ligado com sua saúde através MyChart Portal

No Southcoast Saúde, entendemos que os cuidados de saúde mais eficaz inclui incentivar os nossos pacientes a ser ativo no seu próprio cuidado. Com MyChart, você tem uma maneira de ser em sintonia com a sua saúde em sua própria conveniência. Esta ferramenta online permite que você visualize seus registros médicos, compromissos e muito mais para interagir e manter-se atualizado com a sua saúde. Assine ou faça login em MyChart à direita, e fale com o seu médico sobre como Southcoast Saúde pode parceiro com você para alcançar uma vida feliz e saudável. Apenas os pacientes de Southcoast Saúde vai desfrutar das novas capacidades MyChart em breve.

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