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Access Requests

Self Access Requests

You can request an access code for yourself for MyChart by completing a MyChart Activation Code Request Form:

MyChart Activation Code Request Form

Self Access for 12-17 Year Old Patients

Patients between 12-17 years old can receive access to their own MyChart account by completing the MyChart Parental/Guardian Access Children 12-17 Application form with signed consent from their parent/legal guardian.

A parent/legal guardian can decide whether they would like limited proxy access to the patient’s chart. See table below for features/information available with limited parental proxy access.

MyChart Feature/InformationPatient AccessLimited Parental Proxy Access
Immunization Records
Growth Charts
Benefits, eligibility, insurance
Histories (Family, Medical, Surgical, Social)Family History Only
Medical Advice Requests 
Test Results 
Scheduling/View Upcoming Appointments 
Medications/Refills Requests 
Current Health Issues 
Recent Visits, Discharge Summaries, Visit Summary 
Flowsheets, charting, questionnaires 
Clinical Notes

Parental/Guardian Access for Children Under 12 Years Old

We now offer parents or legal guardians access to health information for children under 12 years old.

You can sign up to view your child’s medical records through MyChart by completing a MyChart Parental/Guardian Access Children Under 12 Application form. A separate application is required for each child. However, both parents may request access that that child on the same application.

Parental Guardian Access for Children Under 12 Application Form

Portuguese Parental/Guardian Access for Children Under 12 Application Form

Spanish Parental/Guardian Access for Children Under 12 Application Form

Once the application form has been processed, you will have access to your child’s record through your own MyChart account. If you do not have a MyChart account, an email will be sent to you containing as access code along with instructions on creating your own MyChart account.

Parental/Guardian Access for Children 12-17 Years Old

We now offer parents or legal guardians access to the health information for children between 12-17 years old.

You can sign up to view your 12-17 year old child’s medical record though MyChart by completing a MyChart Parental/Guardian Access for Children 12-17 Application form. This will also require authorization of the patient due to Massachusetts & Rhode Island State laws and regulations. See table below for features/information available with full parental proxy access versus limited parental proxy access. A separate application is required for each child. However, both parents may request access to that child on the same application.

Parental/Guardian Access for Children 12-17 Application Form

Portuguese Parental/Guardian Access for Children 12-17 Application Form

Spanish Parental/Guardian Access for Children 12-17 Application Form

MyChart Feature/InformationPatient AccessLimited Parental Proxy Access
Immunization Records
Growth Charts
Benefits, eligibility, insurance
Histories (Family, Medical, Surgical, Social)Family History Only
Medical Advice Requests 
Test Results 
Scheduling Upcoming Appointments  ✔
View Upcoming Appointments
Medications/Refills Requests 
Current Health Issues 
Recent Visits, Discharge Summaries, Visit Summary 
Flowsheets, charting, questionnaires 
Clinical Notes

Reduced Capacity Access

We now offer parents/caregivers full access to another patient who you are responsible for and is unable to make medical decisions due to their own medical conditions or disabilities. You can use MyChart to get full access to the medical record of a child or adult of reduced capacity.

Reduced Capacity Access Application Form

Portuguese Capacity Access Application Form

Spanish Capacity Access Application Form

Once the application form has been processed, you will have access to that patient’s record through your own MyChart account. If you do not have a MyChart account, an email will be sent to you containing as access code along with instructions on creating your own MyChart account.

Caregiver (Adult to Adult Access)

Now you can use MyChart to access the medical record of another adult (spouse, parent, child over 18 years old).

Caregiver (Adult to Adult) Access Application Form

Portuguese Caregiver (Adult to Adult) Access Application Form

Spanish Caregiver (Adult to Adult) Access Application Form

Once the application form has been processed, you will have access to that adult’s record through your own MyChart account. If you do not have a MyChart account, an email will be sent to you containing as access code along with instructions on creating your own MyChart account.