In-Person Support Group
Grieving is an important emotional process for all those who suffer a loss. Although grief
is normal, it can be a distressing and often confusing time in one’s life as it can effect
every aspect of a person’s day-to-day life. People express their grief in different ways and
according to their own unique time schedules. However, no matter how we do it, grieving is
an important part of the healing process after experiencing the death of someone who was
a major part of our life.
At Southcoast Health at Home’s Supportive Care Center, we believe that you do not need
to walk alone through the journey of grief. Our Grief Support groups and workshops are
wonderful ways to gain peer support and companions along the journey through grief. A
variety of support groups and workshops are offered throughout the year and are free and
open to the public.
Registration is required. To register, contact Nancy Arnold by email at or by phone at 508-973-3227.