Leah Murphy, NP
Family Medicine / Primary CareAbout Leah Murphy
Leah Murphy is a family nurse practitioner born and raised in Rhode Island. She earned her master’s degree in family nursing from the Frontier Nursing University in Hyden, Kentucky. She completed and undergraduate degree in nursing science at the University of Rhode Island, and a BA degree in philosophy from the University of Canterbury in Christchurch, New Zealand.
As a RN, Murphy worked at Newport Hospital, Providence Community Health Centers, and VNS of Bristol and Newport Counties. As a NP, she worked for a community health center and at the Memory and Aging Program at Butler Hospital. Other work experience includes the SNAP Outreach Project at URI and research related to food accessibility and nutrition status of Rhode Island’s homeless population.
Murphy’s interests include socioeconomic factors that impact health and chronic disease prevention and management. She loves time outdoors and eating delicious food.
Murphy resides in Newport with her family.