Southcoast Hospital is a patient-focused setting. We understand the need for our patients to have visitors. Visitors such as family and friends often provide support and comfort to loved ones while in the hospital.
For the protection of Southcoast Health’s patients, employees and providers, please adhere to the following:
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Visitor Policy: Spanish and Portuguese
Mask Requirements
Currently, providers, staff, patients and visitors are strongly encouraged to wear surgical masks while in Southcoast Health clinical facilities, especially if they are experiencing respiratory symptoms.
In certain patient care situations, such as in many Cancer Center areas, masking may still be required. Please adhere to all practice-specific requirements throughout your visit.
We are closely monitoring case numbers, hospitalizations and virus activity daily. We will continue to proactively adjust this guidance as needed.
Visitor Questions
Family and friends, who wish to learn about a patient’s status, can call:
Charlton Memorial Hospital: 508-973-8200
St. Luke’s Hospital: 508-973-6200
Tobey Hospital: 508-273-4101
Please note that patients have the right to limit access to information and status.
Thank you for your cooperation as we work to maintain the safest possible environment for our South coast community.