Doctors’ Note – July 2024

Self-Care Essentials for Wellbeing

July 24 is International Self-Care Day. So, this month we’re focusing on finding simple ways to take care of YOU – not just today, but every day.

Self-care is crucial for maintaining overall well-being, which includes your physical, mental and emotional health. According to Dr. Michael Messina, Primary Care Provider at Southcoast Physicians Group Family Medicine in Wareham, “Self-care means allotting time in your busy day to do things that promote your own well-being. Find time to focus on yourself.”

He adds that there are some foundational elements of self-care that can easily be worked into your daily routine: 

  • Exercise regularly. 30 minutes a day has been proven to boost overall mood as well as decrease risk of various health complications, including cardiovascular disease.
  • Eat a balanced diet. Choose whole foods, fruits and vegetables, and stay hydrated.
  • Unplug regularly. Put down your phone, step back from work or social media, and focus on something in the moment. 
  • Find time to do something you enjoy. Discover a new hobby or pick up an old one!  
  • Prioritize sleep. Getting enough sleep is important. Try to go to bed at the same time each night and aim for at least 7 hours of sleep.
  • Start a bedtime ritual. Whether it’s reading or listening to some relaxing music, winding down from your day can help prepare your mind and body for rest.

Think you don’t have the time?

An easy way to take on self-care is to think in terms of minutes – those brief moments when you can switch off and refocus your mind really matter! You may even discover you’re better at it than you think.

Below are five simple ways to jumpstart your self-care right now: 

  • Listen to your favorite song.  
  • Have a glass of water.
  • Write down three positive things about yourself.
  • Take five minutes and get some fresh air.
  • Do a one-minute breathing exercise.

What makes self-care important?

It is clinically proven that focusing on self-care can eliminate levels of anxiety, depression, stress and anger while improving concentration and energy. Make time to shut out distractions and be mindful. Try meditation or yoga, connect with family and friends, and practice gratitude by regularly reflecting on things you’re thankful for.

“The notion of always having to be productive is counteractive to one’s health,” says Dr. Messina. “Carving out time to take care of yourself and your needs actually makes you more efficient. You can get more done when your batteries are recharged.” He also notes that it’s important to set boundaries. “Learn to say ‘no’ to commitments that overwhelm you.”

The Bottom Line

Self-care is essential care. It can reduce stress, improve sleep and boost your overall well-being. Take advantage of every opportunity to begin or continue the promotion of self-care. Whether that is a walk down the street, changes to your diet, a five-minute meditation or a day at the spa – make time for you and encourage someone you care about to do the same.

Michael Messina, MD

Family Medicine/Primary Care