Nicole Gifford, NP
Family Medicine / Primary CareAbout Nicole Gifford
Nicole received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Worcester State University in Worcester, Ma. She then went on to obtain her Master of Science in Nursing from Chamberlain University in Addison, Illinois.
She believes that preventative medicine is the best approach to maintaining health and wellness. She utilizes multiple modalities of therapies based on the patient and their input on their care to maximize the patient’s health and prevent illness; always working with her patients and making them a contributing member of their healthcare team.
While working as an RN, she noticed that many patients were repeat admissions. That sparked her interest in becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner. In doing so, she could work in preventative medicine and help in the prevention of patients being required to be hospitalized for chronic illnesses. Working in Family Medicine allows her to work with a variety of patients from across the lifespan.
Having grown up in Southeastern Massachusetts, and having been a patient herself of Southcoast Health her entire life, she feels that Southcoast Health means serving the community that she lives in and being a part of its improvement.
Nicole loves sports and played soccer throughout her undergraduate education and continues to enjoy watching and playing with friends. When not at work she enjoys hiking, walking, and kayaking.