2025 Angel Wings Retreat Registration Now Open!
July 12 & 13, 2025
Camp Welch
North Main Street
Assonet, MA 02702
View/Download the 2024 Brochure here.
Support Angel Wings Retreat
There are many ways that you can help support the Angel Wings Retreat. Volunteers are needed to serve as retreat counselors, activity leaders/assistant or general help. If you are interested in volunteering, fill out the form here. Watch the video below to learn more.
Your donation to Angel Wings Retreat will ensure that every child attends at no cost.
Applications are now being accepted by filling out the form below:
Supporting Children in Our Community with Southcoast Health Angel Wings Retreat in MA
Southcoast Health Angel Wings Retreat is a two-day bereavement retreat in Assonet, MA for children and teens, ages 6 through 15 who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
The Angel Wings Retreat was developed for children and teens who share similar experiences with grief. The camp provides them with an educational, therapeutic experience that is also enjoyable. The retreat helps counter a sense of isolation that children can feel after losing a loved one. Participating in activities such as swimming, focused arts and crafts activities, and small discussion groups can help children and teens explore their many thoughts and feelings about grief. It also encourages them to try new or familiar activities that help them feel good about themselves.
Our retreat activities include:
- Swimming
- Team building
- Sharing of loss
- Focused arts and crafts
- Activities memorializing loved ones
- Breakfast, lunch and snacks
In addition to fun-filled activities, the Southcoast Health Angel Wings Retreat:
- Gives children and teens the opportunity to remember their loved ones
- Is staffed by Southcoast Health at Home staff, trained volunteers and caring members of the community
- Allows boys and girls to be themselves and grieve without feeling pressured
- Helps reduce the sense of isolation while improving self esteem
Through Southcoast Health at Home, the Angel Wings Retreat provides bereavement support to children in the South Coast community.